Quotation Request Freelance Translators & Interpreters Coverage Insured Details Statement of Facts Declaration Cover Details Select Coverage Requirements Freelance Translators' & Interpreters' quotation portal for Professional Indemnity Insurance and Public Liability Insurance (UK Residents Only).If you are returning to the portal after previously creating an account please use the blue 'Existing Users Login' button in the top right of the screen. Otherwise, please answer all the questions and complete the various sections in order to obtain a confirmed quotation. You will then be presented with the option to purchase cover immediately and pay by debit or credit card. Alternatively save the quotation and come back to it at a later stage. For help at anytime please hover your mouse over the blue "i" help icon, read through the Help Guide and Key Facts, use the Contact Us form or call the helpline on 0161 237 7747 and speak to one of our friendly staff who will be more than happy to help. When would you like cover to commence?Select the date when you would like cover to start. For those individuals with an existing policy provided by an alternative provider you may select the start date to match the forthcoming expiry date of your existing policy.Your period of cover shall run for 12 months from the selected start date. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2025 Please select your main profession: **IMPORTANT** If you are a VLP or SRLPDC members please ensure that you select the appropriate option from the dropdown list. VLP members will also be requested to provide their membership number. - Select - Freelance Translation & Interpreting SCOSLI - Scottish Collaboration of Sign Language Interpreters VLP - Visual Language Professionals What is your membership status? - Select - Full Member Student Member Please supply VLP Membership Number***IMPORTANT*** This facility is available to current VLP members only. This field is mandatory and your membership number will be cross checked with the VLP database. If you take out cover via this facility and it subsequently transpires that you are not a member, we will contact you to cancel cover and make alternative arrangements. We therefore strongly advise that you ensure to take out or renew your VLP membership before proceeding any further.***IMPORTANT*** This facility is available to current VLP members only. This field is mandatory and your membership number will be cross checked with the VLP database. If you take out cover via this facility and it subsequently transpires that you are not a member, we will contact you to cancel cover and make alternative arrangements. We therefore strongly advise that you ensure to take out or renew your VLP membership before proceeding any further. If you need to contact VLP concerning your membership please visit www.vlp.org.uk Please select the Professional Indemnity limit of indemnity required:The Limit Of Indemnity is the maximum payable under the insurance for each claim made against the insured. There is also a limit on the amount payable in the aggregate for all claims during the period of the insurance arising in North America (see USA/Canada Conditions Clause in the policy wording)A range of options are available from £50,000 to £5,000,000. All limits of indemnity are based on an any one claim, plus defence costs basis. It should be noted that with effect from 1 June 2017 Insurance Premium Premium Tax (IPT) was increased to 12.00% - Select - Limit £50,000 - Premium £35.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £100,000 - Premium £45.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £250,000 - Premium £55.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £500,000 - Premium £65.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £1,000,000 - Premium £100.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £2,000,000 - Premium £140.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £3,000,000 - Premium £165.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £4,000,000 - Premium £195.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £5,000,000 - Premium £220.00 + Insurance Premium Tax SCOSLI Please select the Professional Indemnity limit of indemnity required:The Limit Of Indemnity is the maximum payable under the insurance for each claim made against the insured. There is also a limit on the amount payable in the aggregate for all claims during the period of the insurance arising in North America (see USA/Canada Conditions Clause in the policy wording)A range of options are available from £250,000 to £2,000,000. All limits of indemnity are based on an any one claim, plus defence costs basis. It should be noted that with effect from 1 June 2017 Insurance Premium Premium Tax (IPT) was increased to 12.00% - Select - Limit £250,000 - Premium £25.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £500,000 - Premium £35.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £750,000 - Premium £45.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £1,000,000 - Premium £55.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £1,500,000 - Premium £75.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £2,000,000 - Premium £100.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Please select the Professional Indemnity limit of indemnity required:The Limit Of Indemnity is the maximum payable under the insurance for each claim made against the insured. There is also a limit on the amount payable in the aggregate for all claims during the period of the insurance arising in North America (see USA/Canada Conditions Clause in the policy wording)A range of options are available from £250,000 to £2,000,000. All limits of indemnity are based on an any one claim, plus defence costs basis. It should be noted that with effect from 1 June 2017 Insurance Premium Premium Tax (IPT) was increased to 12.00% - Select - Limit £250,000 - Premium £25.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £500,000 - Premium £35.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £750,000 - Premium £45.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £1,000,000 - Premium £60.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £1,500,000 - Premium £75.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £2,000,000 - Premium £100.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Please select the Professional Indemnity limit of indemnity required:The Limit Of Indemnity is the maximum payable under the insurance for each claim made against the insured. There is also a limit on the amount payable in the aggregate for all claims during the period of the insurance arising in North America (see USA/Canada Conditions Clause in the policy wording)A range of options are available from £250,000 to £2,000,000. All limits of indemnity are based on an any one claim, plus defence costs basis. It should be noted that with effect from 1 June 2017 Insurance Premium Premium Tax (IPT) was increased to 12.00% - Select - Limit £250,000 - Premium £30.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £500,000 - Premium £40.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £750,000 - Premium £50.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £1,000,000 - Premium £65.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £1,500,000 - Premium £80.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £2,000,000 - Premium £105.00 + Insurance Premium Tax PI Cover £ Is cover required for Public Liability insurance?If you don't currently purchase Public Liability insurance, we would recommend you consider reviewing your requirements, specifically if you visit clients providing your services face to face or act as a court interpreter. Public Liability insurance has been made available as an optional extra to purchase in addition to the main Professional Indemnity cover. YesNo Please select limit:Currently we can provide a limit of indemnity of £1,000,000, £2,000,000 & £5,000,000 any one claim. If you require a higher limit please contact the helpline on 0161 237 7747 or email [email protected] - select- Limit £1,000,000 - Premium £50.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £2,000,000 - Premium £60.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Limit £5,000,000 - Premium £75.00 + Insurance Premium Tax Contact Us Help Guide Key Facts MFL Terms of Business Privacy Policy Complaints Policy HIDDEN - PI Premium with IPT £ PL Premium £ **Hidden** PL premium with IPT £ Run off? NoYes Insured DetailsName of Insured: -- Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof. Capt. Lord Lady Major Rev. Master Exec(s) of Mx Name of Business: (if Applicable)If you don't have a business name this is fine. Just leave the box empty and proceed on to the next question. Please select any qualifications you have achieved:Use the 'plus' and 'minus' buttons to make multiple selections.Please select all the qualifications that apply to you. You can make multiple selections by using the 'plus' and 'minus' buttons. Qualifications - select - Certificate in Bilingual skills PoliceCertificate in Bilingual SkillsDiploma in Public Service InterpretingDiploma in TranslationFellowship of ITIInstitute of Linguists Educational TrustNoneOtherQualified Member of ITI Please supply details of any other qualifications: Please select any associations you are a member of:Use the 'plus' and 'minus' buttons to make multiple selections.Please select all the Associations that apply to you. You can make multiple selections by using the 'plus' and 'minus' buttons. Associations - select - Association of Police & Court InterpretersAssociation of Translation CompaniesCapita Translators & InterpretersInstitute of LinguistsInstitute of translation and interpretingNational Register of Public Service InterpretersNoneOtherSCOSLISociety of Official Metropolitan Interpreters UK LtdVisual Language Professionals Please supply details of any other associations you are a member of: Are you a resident of the UK? YesNo Unfortunately, on this facility we can only provide quotations to insured clients based in the United Kingdom; if, however, you are based in the EEA please contact us on 00 44 161 237 7747 for further information. Full Business AddressComplete the Postcode field first then click on Get Address. Please note we can only accept applications based in the United Kingdom. We would suggest you complete the Postcode field first and use Get Address to populate the address fields. ***PLEASE NOTE THAT WE CAN ONLY ACCEPT APPLICANTS WITH A UK ADDRESS*** UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Contact Phone Number Contact Email & PasswordThis is the main contact email we will use for sending out important information, all your policy documentation and the creation of your online user account. Therefore please also ensure you have @m-f-l.co.uk set up as safe sender in your mail client. Once you complete the quotation process a user account will be created in order that you can access and retrieve saved quotes and documentation. An automated email will be issued by our secure servers confirming your account access details. MFL staff do not have access to this information, therefore, should you forget your password you will need to request this from the 'Existing Users Login' page. Email you will log in with this Forgot your password? Email enter again Password Password enter again Contact Us Help Guide Key Facts MFL Terms of Business Privacy Policy Complaints Policy *HIDDEN* Postcode Letters IPT Statement of Facts Please answer and confirm all of the following questions: Do you have any employees who translate or interpret? YesNo You have selected “Yes” to the above question. Your application for cover will be referred to insurers for acceptance. Please provide additional information in the box below and continue with your application:Please provide details of employees who translate or interpret. Has any claim been made against you for professional negligence since 1 May 2007? YesNo You have selected “Yes” to the above question. Your application for cover will be referred to insurers for acceptance. Please provide additional information in the box below and continue with your application:Please provide details of claims. Are you aware of any potential claims against you or circumstances that are likely to give rise to a claim against you for professional negligence? YesNo You have selected “Yes” to the above question. Your application for cover will be referred to insurers for acceptance. Please provide additional information in the box below and continue with your application:Please provide details of potential claims. Did 20% of your fee income/turnover emanate from the USA and/or Canada during the last completed financial year? YesNo You have selected “Yes” to the above question. Your application for cover will be referred to insurers for acceptance. Please provide additional information in the box below and continue with your application:Please provide details of work emanating* from the USA and/or Canada in the last financial year. We need know a) Your total fee income/turnover in the last financial year b) Fee income/turnover emanating* from USA and/or Canada in the last financial year c) Nature of the work emanating* from USA and/or Canada in the last financial year. (*Source of work) Have you ever done or intend to do any business with any Russian or Belarusian domiciled individuals or companies, nor operate within those countries ? YesNo You have selected “Yes” to the above question. Your application for cover will be referred to insurers for acceptance. Please provide additional information in the box below and continue with your application:1. What services were provided? 2. Who was you appointed by and in what country? 3. What was the value of any work performed? 4. When was this work done? Contact Us Help Guide Key Facts MFL Terms of Business Privacy Policy Complaints Policy Declaration Please read the following carefully before completing the declaration:Your Duty of Fair Presentation 1. Before the insurance contract is entered into, the proposer must make a fair presentation of the risk to the insurer, in accordance with Section 3 of the Insurance Act 2015. In summary, the proposer must: a. disclose to the insurer every material circumstance which the proposer knows or ought to know. Failing that, the proposer must give the insurer sufficient information to put a prudent insurer on notice that it needs to make further enquiries in order to reveal material circumstances. A matter is material if it would influence the judgement of a prudent insurer as to whether to accept the risk and, if so on what terms (including premium); b. make the disclosure in clause 1.a) above in a reasonably clear and accessible manner; and c. ensure that every material representation as to matter of fact is substantially correct, and that every material representation as to matter of expectation or belief is made in good faith. 2. For the purposes of clause 1.a) above, the proposer is expected to know the following: a. If the proposer is an individual, what is known to the individual and anybody who is responsible for arranging his or her insurance. b. If the proposer is not an individual, what is known to anybody who is part of the proposer's senior management; or anybody who is responsible for arranging the proposer's insurance. c. Whether the proposer is an individual or otherwise, what should reasonably have been revealed by a reasonable search of information available to the proposer. The proposer cannot ignore or deliberately withhold information (this may amount to a breach of the duty of fair presentation even if the insurer had sufficient information to ask questions and did not do so). The information may be held within the proposer's organisation, or by any third party (including but not limited to subsidiaries, affiliates, the broker, or any other person who will be covered under the insurance). If the proposer is insuring subsidiaries, affiliates or other parties, the insurer expects that the proposer will have included them in its enquiries, and that the proposer will inform the insurer if it has not done so. The reasonable search may be conducted by making enquiries or by any other means. Failure to comply with the Duty of Fair Presentation may give insurers grounds to refuse to pay a claim, reduce the amount they do pay, alter the terms of the policy retrospectively, oe even treat the policy as it had never existed in some cases. THEREFORE, IF YOU ARE IN ANY DOUBT AS TO WHETHER OR NOT INFORMATION IS MATERIAL, PLEASE DISCLOSE IT! We hereby warrant that: To the best of our knowledge and belief the foregoing particulars and statements are true and that no material fact has been withheld. They and other written statements made by us or on our behalf for the purpose of the proposed insurance shall be the basis of and incorporated in the contract between us and the company. We hereby undertake to declare any material alterations or amendments to the foregoing particulars and statements which occur prior to the commencement of the contract of insurance. Name of Person completing this application: -- Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof. Capt. Lord Lady Major Rev. Master Exec(s) of Mx Position of Person completing this application (if appropriate)Position in the business - For example: Business Owner, Managing Director, Finance Director, Manager If you have any questions or have any doubt as to what constitutes a material fact or circumstance or require clarification on any part of the above declaration please do not hesitate to ask for advice - 0161 236 2532 I have read and accept the above Declaration To view/download the MFL Terms of Business - Please click here You will be asked to confirm that you have downloaded and read our terms of business before proceeding to a confirmed quotation. I have downloaded, read and accept the MFL Terms of Business. Thank you for completing the quotation questions, please click "Finish" to continue. Contact Us Help Guide Key Facts MFL Terms of Business Privacy Policy Complaints Policy Cover Details Set Public Liability £ £0.00 Set Auto Load £ £0.00 Total Premium (Net) £0.00 + IPT @ % £0.00 + Policy Fee £ £0.00 Total Premium £0.00 Total Commission £0.00 (Due From Broker) £0.00